Getting Started

Getting Started

Learn how to get setup and run your own component registry.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your own component registry.

It assumes you already have a project with components and would like to turn it into a registry.

If you're starting a new registry project, you can use the registry template as a starting point. We have already configured it for you.


The registry.json file is only required if you're using the shadcn CLI to build your registry.

If you're using a different build system, you can skip this step as long as your build system produces valid JSON files that conform to the registry-item schema specification.

Add a registry.json file

Create a registry.json file in the root of your project. Your project can be a Next.js, Remix, Vite, or any other project that supports React.

  "$schema": "",
  "name": "acme",
  "homepage": "",
  "items": [
    // ...

This registry.json file must conform to the registry schema specification.

Add a registry item

Create your component

Add your first component. Here's an example of a simple <HelloWorld /> component:

import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
export function HelloWorld() {
  return <Button>Hello World</Button>
└── new-york
    └── hello-world
        └── hello-world.tsx

Add your component to the registry

To add your component to the registry, you need to add your component definition to registry.json.

  "$schema": "",
  "name": "acme",
  "homepage": "",
  "items": [
      "name": "hello-world",
      "type": "registry:block",
      "title": "Hello World",
      "description": "A simple hello world component.",
      "files": [
          "path": "registry/new-york/hello-world/hello-world.tsx",
          "type": "registry:component"

You define your registry item by adding a name, type, title, description and files.

For every file you add, you must specify the path and type of the file. The path is the relative path to the file from the root of your project. The type is the type of the file.

You can read more about the registry item schema and file types in the registry item schema docs.

Build your registry

Install the shadcn CLI

Note: the build command is currently only available in the shadcn@canary version of the CLI.

pnpm add shadcn@canary

Add a build script

Add a registry:build script to your package.json file.

  "scripts": {
    "registry:build": "shadcn build"

Run the build script

Run the build script to generate the registry JSON files.

pnpm registry:build

Serve your registry

If you're running your registry on Next.js, you can now serve your registry by running the next server. The command might differ for other frameworks.

pnpm dev

Your files will now be served at http://localhost:3000/r/[NAME].json eg. http://localhost:3000/r/hello-world.json.

Publish your registry

To make your registry available to other developers, you can publish it by deploying your project to a public URL.

Adding Auth

The shadcn CLI does not offer a built-in way to add auth to your registry. We recommend handling authorization on your registry server.

A common simple approach is to use a token query parameter to authenticate requests to your registry. e.g. http://localhost:3000/r/hello-world.json?token=[SECURE_TOKEN_HERE].

Use the secure token to authenticate requests and return a 401 Unauthorized response if the token is invalid. Both the shadcn CLI and Open in v0 will handle the 401 response and display a message to the user.


Here are some guidelines to follow when building components for a registry.

  • Place your registry item in the registry/[STYLE]/[NAME] directory. I'm using new-york as an example. It can be anything you want as long as it's nested under the registry directory.
  • The following properties are required for the block definition: name, description, type and files.
  • Make sure to list all registry dependencies in registryDependencies. A registry dependency is the name of the component in the registry eg. input, button, card, etc or a URL to a registry item eg. http://localhost:3000/r/editor.json.
  • Make sure to list all dependencies in dependencies. A dependency is the name of the package in the registry eg. zod, sonner, etc. To set a version, you can use the name@version format eg. zod@^3.20.0.
  • Imports should always use the @/registry path. eg. import { HelloWorld } from "@/registry/new-york/hello-world/hello-world"
  • Ideally, place your files within a registry item in components, hooks, lib directories.

Install using the CLI

To install a registry item using the shadcn CLI, use the add command followed by the URL of the registry item.

pnpm dlx shadcn@latest add http://localhost:3000/r/hello-world.json